The horse and rider are partners working to give each other their best. At our core we focus, not just on the wellbeing of the horse, but strengthening the partnership between horse and rider. As part of the Care team, we share any information gathered with the barn manager, trainer and veterinarian. Whether competing at the Grand Prix level or enjoying long lazy trail rides, all horses benefit from massage and taping. All of our services are individually tailored to meet the needs and goals of the partnership.
Massage and Kinesio-taping work in tandem much like the partners they support. The fundamentals of massage focus on improving circulation and reducing tension. This keeps the muscles loose allowing them to function properly and reduces mental stress on the animal. Kinesiology tape techniques extend the massage benefits making it possible for the horse to train harder and recover quicker. It supports the joints and tendons to prevent injury or to support rehabilitation. For older horses it provides support for arthritic joints reducing pain in their day-to-day life.
We are located in Central Bucks County, PA and happily service the tri-state area whether you need us at your barn, a show or event. We are professionally insured. Send us an email through our “Contact Us” page to schedule a consultation.